Thursday, August 1, 2019

AOP extends OOP

OOP is mainly used to organise your business logic while AOP helps to organise your non-functional things like Auditing, Logging, Transaction Management , Performance Tracking, Security etc

This way you can decouple your business logic with non-fictional logic that makes code cleaner.

OOP and AOP are not mutually exclusive. AOP can be good addition to OOP.

AOP provides a nice way to implement cross-cutting concerns like logging, performance tracking, security over different classes in your application without having to change the classes themselves.
These cross-cutting concerns are pieces of logic that have to be applied at many places but actually don't have anything to do with the business logic.

You shouldn't see AOP as a replacement of OOP, more as an nice add-on, that makes your code more clean, loosely-coupled and focused on the business logic. So by applying AOP you will get 2 major benefits:

1. The logic for each concern is now in one place, as opposed to being scattered all over the code base.

2. classes are cleaner since they only contain code for their primary concern (or core functionality) and secondary concerns have been moved to aspects.

This is a way of doing runtime-weaving.


1. Assume you have a graphical class with many "set()" methods.
2. After each set() method, the data of the graphics changed, thus the graphics changed and thus the graphics need to be updated on screen.
3. Assume to repaint the graphics you must call "Display.update()".

The classical approach is to solve this by adding more code. At the end of each set method you write

void set(...) {

If you have 3 set-methods, that is not a problem. If you have 200 (hypothetical), it's getting real painful to add this everywhere.

Also whenever you add a new set-method, you must be sure to not forget adding this to the end, otherwise you just created a bug.

AOP solves this without adding tons of code, instead you add an aspect:

after() : set() {

And that's it! Instead of writing the update code yourself, you just tell the system that after a set() pointcut has been reached, it must run this code and it will run this code.

No need to update 200 methods, no need to make sure you don't forget to add this code on a new set-method. Additionally you just need a pointcut:

pointcut set() : execution(* set*(*) ) && this(MyGraphicsClass) && within(*);

What does that mean? That means if a method is named "set*" (* means any name might follow after set), regardless of what the method returns (first asterisk) or what parameters it takes (third asterisk) and it is a method of MyGraphicsClass and this class is part of the package "*", then this is a set() pointcut. And our first code says "after running any method that is a set pointcut, run the following code".

See how AOP elegantly solves the problem here? Actually everything described here can be done at compile time. A AOP preprocessor can just modify your source (e.g. adding Display.update() to the end of every set-pointcut method) before even compiling the class itself.

Optimize Queries for Speed and Performance

Tip #1: Index All Columns Used in 'where', 'order by', and 'group by' Clauses

Though indexes may take up more space and decrease performance on inserts, deletes, and updates.
However, indexes can considerably reduce select query execution time.

without index => full table scan

mysql> select customer_name from customers where customer_id='140385';
The above query will force Database server to conduct a full table scan (start to finish) to retrieve the record that we are searching.
Database server has a special 'EXPLAIN' statement that you can use alongside select, delete, insert, replace and update statements to analyze your queries.

Once you append the query before an SQL statement,
mysql> explain select customer_id, customer_name from customers where customer_id='140385';
Server displays information from the optimizer about the intended execution plan.

| id | select_type | table     | partitions | type | possible_keys | key  | key_len | ref  | rows | filtered | Extra       |
|  1 | SIMPLE      | customers | NULL       | ALL  | NULL          | NULL | NULL    | NULL |  500 |    10.00 | Using where |

As you can see, the optimizer has displayed very important information that can help us to fine-tune our database table.
First, it is clear that MySQL will conduct a full table scan because key column is 'NULL'.
Second, MySQL server has clearly indicated that it's going to conduct a full scan on the 500 rows in our database.
To optimize the above query, we can just add an index to the 'customer_id' field.

If we run the explain statement one more time, we will get the below results:

mysql> Explain select customer_id, customer_name from customers where customer_id='140385';
| id | select_type | table     | partitions | type | possible_keys | key         | key_len | ref   | rows | filtered | Extra |
|  1 | SIMPLE      | customers | NULL       | ref  | customer_id   | customer_id | 13      | const |    1 |   100.00 | NULL  |

From the above explain output, it's clear that MySQL server will use our index (customer_Id) to search the table.
You can clearly see that the number of rows to scan will be 1. Although I run the above query in a table with 500 records, indexes can be very useful when you are querying a large dataset (e.g. a table with 1 million rows).

Tip 2: Optimize Like Statements With Union Clause

Sometimes, you may want to run queries using the comparison operator 'or' on different fields or columns in a particular table. When the 'or' keyword is used too much in where clause, it might make the MySQL optimizer to incorrectly choose a full table scan to retrieve a record.

A union clause can make the query run faster especially if you have an index that can optimize one side of the query and a different index to optimize the other side.

Example, consider a case where you are running the below query with the 'first_name' and 'last_name' indexed:

mysql> select * from students where first_name like  'Ade%'  OR last_name like 'Ade%' ;
The query above can run far much slower compared to the below query which uses a union operator merge the results of 2 separate fast queries that takes advantage of the indexes.

mysql> select  from students where first_name like  'Ade%'  UNION ALL select  from students where last_name like 'Ade%' ;

Tip 3: Avoid Like Expressions With Leading Wildcards

MySQL is not able to utilize indexes when there is a leading wildcard in a query. If we take our example above on the students table, a search like this will cause MySQL to perform full table scan even if you have indexed the 'first_name' field on the students table.

mysql> select * from students where first_name like  '%Ade'  ;

We can prove this using the explain keyword:

mysql> explain select * from students where first_name like  '%Ade'  ;
| id | select_type | table    | partitions | type | possible_keys | key  | key_len | ref  | rows | filtered | Extra       |
|  1 | SIMPLE      | students | NULL       | ALL  | NULL          | NULL | NULL    | NULL |  500 |    11.11 | Using where |
As you can see above, MySQL is going to scan all the 500 rows in our students table and make will make the query extremely slow.

Tip 4: Take Advantage of MySQL Full-Text Searches

If you are faced with a situation where you need to search data using wildcards and you don't want your database to underperform, you should consider using MySQL full-text search (FTS) because it is far much faster than queries using wildcard characters.

Furthermore, FTS can also bring better and relevant results when you are searching a huge database.

To add a full-text search index to the students sample table, we can use the below MySQL command:

mysql>Alter table students ADD FULLTEXT (first_name, last_name);
mysql>Select * from students where match(first_name, last_name) AGAINST ('Ade');
In the above example, we have specified the columns that we want to be matched (first_name and last_name) against our search keyword ('Ade').

If we query the optimizer about the execution plan of the above query, we will get the following results:

mysql> explain Select * from students where match(first_name, last_name) AGAINST ('Ade');
| id | select_type | table    | partitions | type     | possible_keys | key        | key_len | ref   | rows | filtered | Extra                         |
|  1 | SIMPLE      | students | NULL       | fulltext | first_name    | first_name | 0       | const |    1 |   100.00 | Using where; Ft_hints: sorted |
It's clear that only a single row will be scanned even if our student's database has 500 rows and this will speed up the database.


Which one of the following queries is faster (LIKE vs CONTAINS)?

SELECT * FROM table WHERE Column LIKE '%test%';
SELECT * FROM table WHERE Contains(Column, "test");

The second should be faster, because it can use some form of index (in this case, a full text index).
Of course, this form of query is only available if the column is in a full text index. If it isn't, then only the first form is available.

The first query, using LIKE, will be unable to use an index, since it starts with a wildcard, so will always require a full table scan.


Optimize Your Database Schema
Even if you optimize your MySQL queries and fail to come up with a good database structure, your database performance can still halt when your data increases.

Normalize Tables
First, normalize all database tables even if it will involve some trade-offs. For instance, if you are creating two tables to hold customers data and orders, you should reference the customer on the orders table using the customer id as opposed to repeating the customer's name on the orders table. The latter will cause your database to bloat.

The image below refers to a database schema that is designed for performance without any data redundancy. In MySQL database normalization, you should represent a fact only once in the entire database. Don't repeat the customer name in every table; instead just use the customer_Id for reference in other tables.

Image title

Also, always use the same data type for storing similar values even if they are on different tables, for instance, the schema above uses 'INT' data type to store 'customer_id' both in the customers and orders table.

Use Optimal Data Types
MySQL supports different data types including integer, float, double, date, date_time, Varchar, and text, among others. When designing your tables, you should know that "shorter is always better."

For instances, if you are designing a system user's table which will hold less than 100 users, you should use 'TINYINT' data type for the 'user_id' field because it will accommodate all your values from -128 to 128.

Also, if a field expects a date value (e.g. sales_order_date), using a date_time data type will be ideal because you don't have to run complicated functions to convert the field to date when retrieving records using SQL.

Use integer values if you expect all values to be numbers (e.g. in a student_id or a payment_id field). Remember, when it comes to computation, MySQL can do better with integer values as compared to text data types such as Varchar

Avoid Null Values
Null is the absence of any value in a column. You should avoid this kind of values whenever possible because they can harm your database results. For instance, if you want to get the sum of all orders in a database but a particular order record has a null amount, the expected result might misbehave unless you use MySQL 'ifnull' statement to return alternative value if a record is null.

In some cases, you might need to define a default value for a field if records don't have to include a mandatory value for that particular column/field.

Avoid Too Many Columns
Wide tables can be extremely expensive and require more CPU time to process. If possible, don't go above a hundred unless your business logic specifically calls for this.

Instead of creating one wide table, consider splitting it apart in to logical structures. For instance, if you are creating a customer table but you realize a customer can have multiple addresses, it is better to create a separate table for holding customers addresses that refer back to the customers table using the 'customer_id' field.

Optimize Joins
Always include fewer tables in your join statements. An SQL statement with poorly designed pattern that involves a lot of joins may not work well. A rule of thumb is to have utmost a dozen joins for each query.

MySQL Query Caching
If your website or application performs a lot of select queries (e.g. WordPress), you should take advantage of MySQL query caching feature. This will speed up performance when read operations are conducted.

The technology works by caching the select query alongside the resulting data set. This makes the query run faster since they are fetched from memory if they are executed more than once. However, if your application updates the table frequently, this will invalidate any cached query and result set.

You can check if your MySQL server has query cache enabled by running the command below:

mysql> show variables like 'have_query_cache';
| Variable_name    | Value |
| have_query_cache | YES   |
1 row in <b>set</b> (0.00 sec)
Setting the MySQL Server Query Cache
You can set the MySQL query cache values by editing the configuration file ('/etc/mysql/my.cnf' or '/etc/mysql/mysql.conf.d/mysqld.cnf'). This will depend on your MySQL installation. Don't set a very large query cache size value because this will degrade the MySQL server due to cached overhead and locking. Values in the range of tens of megabytes are recommended.

To check the current value, use the command below:

mysql> show variables like 'query_cache_%' ;
| Variable_name                | Value    |
| query_cache_limit            | 1048576  |
| query_cache_min_res_unit     | 4096     |
| query_cache_size             | 16777216 |
| query_cache_type             | OFF      |
| query_cache_wlock_invalidate | OFF      |
5 rows in <b>set</b> (0.00 sec)
Then to adjust the values, include the following on the MySQL configuration file:

query_cache_size = 10M
You can adjust the above values according to your server needs.

The directive 'query_cache_type=1' turns MySQL caching on if it was turned off by default.

The default 'query_cache_size' is 1MB and like we said above a value a range of around 10 MB is recommended. Also, the value must be over 40 KB otherwise MySQL server will throw a warning, "Query cache failed to set size".

The default 'query_cache_limit' is also 1MB. This value controls the amount of individual query result that can be can be cached.

Spring more popular than other java framework

Yes, we can build robust Java applications without using any framework. This is how it used to be earlier.
We can build our own framework using  java/servlets/jsp/html/css/javascript and jdbc to make applications.
But that requires huge development efforts includes implementing JEE patterns, offer abstractions, configure things or annotate the code to get the functionality we need , handling concerns like vendor portability, testability, deployabilty, incorporation of industry best practices, “packaging” / compatibility testing.. the list is endless.
So, for any commercial project development, all frameworks incorporates this endless list of things instead of you. When it comes to Java, there are many popular frameworks available and different programmers have different preferences. Some of those popular frameworks are Spring, Struts, Hibernate, JSF, Vaadin, GWT, Grails, and others.
Out of all these frameworks, Spring framework is the most popular and most widely used across the world. This can come as a surprise to many because Spring is one of the oldest frameworks in Java. The followings are the reason why Spring is more popular than other Java frameworks.

Spring is called the framework of frameworks -
The reason is that all the frameworks are supported by Spring such as Struts, Hibernate, JSF and likewise. Spring is a very powerful yet lightweight Java Enterprise Edition application development framework. There is no need for heavy Java EE application server. You can deploy its applications in any web container even in Tomcat. There are still some exclusive features that other frameworks cannot afford yet such as Spring Batch. It operates faster which is what we need in the current scenarios like mobile computing, cloud computing, and social computing. Its popularity has been sky high ever since its launch

Developer-Friendly -
The reason why most of the developers prefer Spring for almost any type and size of application developers is due to its friendly features. First of all, Spring is ready to get integrated with an existing system seamlessly and then you can work on it to improve it. In most of the enterprise level projects, the existing system of past projects can be improved to produce the rest of the present project. This saves time and resources in development, testing, and deployment. Spring offers this flexible to let any application developed in it to be integrated with third-party services or bring an application from third-party services to it so that the developers can build something new out of the old effortlessly.

Integration With Front-End Technology -
At the end of the project, the backend programming or framework has to gel well with the front-end for the project to run successfully. If you are using Spring for your back-end module development, you can rest assured that the integration with the front-end will be effortless. It supports all the leading front-end technology such as Struts, AngularJS, jQuery, JSF, JSP, Tiles and much more. You can switch between databases without writing too much of coding. There are literally unlimited plugins available that you can integrate with Spring and enhance your application to a whole different level. The flexibility that Spring offers is unmatched by any other Java framework. This unlimited sea of plugins is due to Spring having the largest community support of advanced and experienced developers than any other framework.

Aspect Oriented Programming –
Aspect oriented programming is a new concept that has been introduced by Spring and this has been a game changer for its popularity. There are many frameworks that are based on AOP but it is only Spring where it is perfectly implemented. This lets the developers develop applications in such a way that the business logic stays separated from the system services. As a matter of fact, Spring is tailor-made to develop applications that are complex in nature. It provides interfaces like Spring Core, Spring IoC, and Spring AOP so that different components can be developed individually and then integrated to achieve the perfect business logic.

MVC Framework –
Model-View-Controller framework is literally a darling in the application development industry. There is no better and simplified framework in Java other than Spring. MVC model helps in has development by modularity, easy unit testing and even easier deployment, maintenance, and troubleshooting. It is easier to test with JUnit framework. You can use Spring Container other than Enterprise container to develop applications and test the modules out with lesser effort. As a matter of fact, you can create business services with the need for Enterprise container which is highly beneficial for a development based company. There is no dearth of modules like Spring MVC, Spring ORM, Spring JDBC, and likewise. These varieties of modules are highly useful and boost the development rate to a great level. This also helps to divide a big project into modules and assign different teams to get them done in the due time.
Miscellaneous Features –
Another reason for its popularity over others can also be due to the fact that it has a simple learning curve in comparison to other frameworks which are slightly messy. This is the reason why companies are investing in teaching their new recruits about it in a shorter period of time and get the job done for future projects completely.

Web Development

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