Thursday, August 24, 2017


ActiveMQ is an implementation of JMS. It is message broker designed for the purpose of sending messages between two applications, or two components inside one application.

Enterprise integration : Allowing applications built with different languages and on different operating systems to integrate with each other.
Location transparency : Client applications don’t need to know where the service applications are located.
Reliable communication : the producers/consumers of messages don’t have to be available at the same time
Scaling : can scale horizontally by adding more services that can handle the messages if too many messages are arriving.
Asynchronous communication : a client can fire a message and continue other processing instead of blocking until the service has sent a response;
Reduced coupling : the assumptions made by the clients and services are greatly reduced as a result of the previous 5 benefits. A service can change details about itself, including its location, protocol, and availability, without affecting or disrupting the client.

This MOM(message-oriented middleware) has two models which are the point-to-point/queue model and publish-subscriber/topic model.

Difference between the two is the number of recipients.

In queue, you only have one receiver or consumer.
In topic you can have your message be disseminated/spread to a number of subscribers.

In queue you do not have to worry about timing because the sender will have the luxury to send messages whenever he or she wants to. And the same goes for the receiver; he or she also has the liberty of reading it whenever he or she wants.
And, In topic, the publisher has to be continuously active for a subscriber to receive the messages. Otherwise the message will be reallocated.


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