Wednesday, August 23, 2017

Apache Solr

Apache Solr is an open source search engine built upon a Java search library called Lucene. It supports REST like API for performing various operations like update, query etc.

Creating fields for Indexing Document-
This can be achieved in 2 ways-
    Using Solr UI.(which modifies the managed-schema.xml by adding fields to it)
    Adding a new schema.xml

Indexing Document-
Now that the fields have been added by using either of the two methods mentioned above, we will index the document. We will create a new test.xml file which contains the person data to be indexed.

Querying the Indexed Document-
Now the data has been indexed.

Apache Solr vs Elasticsearch
Both Solr and Elasticsearch are popular open source search engines built on top of Lucene. Both have vibrant communities and are well documented.

The difference is in the way each builds a wrapper and implements features on top of Lucene.

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